Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hi everyone,I hope your having a sweet day. Here's a project i'm working on for a friend from work..

16x20: Random Flowers (Why do i have a hard time naming paintings?? It seems cheezy to name something more exotic than it is like Floral Ambush Or My time in the meadow, but they sound more appealing than random flowers I guess..)

I want to get this one done soon by this week. I had such such SUCH a crappy day today at work. I hate it when managers give you compliments like"Oh I love your personality you make work so much fun!" "We can always count on you to brighten our day" Then all a sudden one day your in their office and they are writing you up because you "goof off" to much... When you ask "Oh i'm sorry I thought you said I had a fun personality and made work fun" There comments are always along the lines of "Well we want you to have our idea of fun at work.." Yup thats a buisness. Anyways the point of that story (and there was alot more to it) is when Work makes me mad I come home and do as many things as I can in regards to art to make it feel like i have control of my life. I want to be an Artist and even if i can't make a rich living of it I want to make somewhat what of a living, so i can get out of someone elses's idea on how  a person should behave, which is usually how they live their life. So I came home and posted stuff on Ebay, I did and will do a crap ton more of the painting shown above. My art room went from this

To this!

It feels a whole lot better. So if your having a bad day do as many things as you can that'll put you back into feeling like your in control. If your trying to do something else career wise in your life, focus on what you can do right at this moment (Even if it doesn't get you anywhere) to get you closer to your goals.

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